Monday, March 2, 2009

Monday, March 2nd.

WooHoo! Yippie! Can't believe it! Today we made the final installment on Kristee's school band trip to Chicago next month! Who would have thought, payments for a 3 day band trip 6 hours away! The price on this trip is just under $800.00! Yes folks that is Eight hundred! Plus she will still need a couple of hundred to take with her for incidentals! Well here's a picture of the final payment receipt! Phew, I'm glad we have that paid.

1 comment:

  1. I will take that band trip payment anyday. We are currently working on paying off Sarah's trip to Hawaii with the Band in June. Have one more payment left. Trust me, it is costing much more than a trip to Chicago will. Actually Chicago is there first stop.
